
  1. miks007

    Application Guidelines for Internationally Trained Dentists applying to USA

    What is more valuable on the resume when applying as an international dentist on CAAPID: Dental Assistant experience in foreign country or research assistant in foreign country?
  2. YJLEE1129

    UCLA vs USC

    Hi Everyone I am happy to inform that I got acceptance at both UCLA and USC for the Advanced Standing Program. Can you all please provide some insights on both these schools? I think both of them have nice campuses and cost similarly; however, I care more about how they conduct the clinic part...
  3. P

    Is there anyone who got into the IDP program without taking a formal bench test course?

    The title speaks for itself. Thank you all for your input.
  4. D

    Quick question about when to apply for CAAPID? please help

    Hi, I passed my NBDE1 exam 4 months ago and I started to prepare for TOEFL but I'm asking is it possible for me to apply for CAAPID now ? ,,,how does this work? What is the best timeline for applying and how? Any help is highly appreciated thanks
  5. S

    USC Application

    Is it worth applying to USC without masters or preceptorship or advanced training? Thank you. My profile: Nbde part 1 and 2 Toefl 108 GPA 3.65 Postgraduate diploma in management in the home country Lots of volunteer dental experiences in the US