smp dental

  1. T

    Dropped out of SMP, now what?

    Hey all, I completed my undergrad in Biology with a 3.3 gpa and made the dreadful mistake of attending an SMP program. I was not doing too well in the program because of all sorts of personal issues and because of family health issues, so I decided to withdraw from it in the last semester. I...
  2. Seldentaleli

    WAMC: 3.0 uGPA 3.9 SMP

    Overall GPA: oGPA: 3.0 (my GPA was a 2.4 when I graduated college, I've been taking upper levels science courses at the UC extension schools and local community college since I graduated (2022)) graduate GPA: 3.9 all A's but got one A- :( will have about 20+ credits when I apply Science GPA...