post bac app

  1. T

    Dropped out of SMP, now what?

    Hey all, I completed my undergrad in Biology with a 3.3 gpa and made the dreadful mistake of attending an SMP program. I was not doing too well in the program because of all sorts of personal issues and because of family health issues, so I decided to withdraw from it in the last semester. I...
  2. J

    Post-Bacc Advice! (Bryn Mawr; GWU)

    I’ve been accepted to two Post-Bacc Pre-Med programs. Is one a better holistic option to set me up for success on med school apps and beyond? Clearly Bryn Mawr is highest ranked, but does the scholarship at GWU tilt the odds? 1. Bryn Mawr College 2. George Washington University (with...
  3. LindaAccepted

    How to Apply Successfully to Med School from Postbac Programs

    In this episode, the founder and former Director of San Francisco State University Postbac Programs and Accepted consultant since 2015 explains why the fastest way to medical school is slowly and carefully, and explores the advantages and disadvantages of applying to med school from a postbac...
  4. O

    Just finished the application process for Goucher/Bryn Mawr/Scripps — AMA

    I’m just creating this thread to answer any questions folks might have about each of these 3 programs. I did not know anyone who completed any of these programs, and I felt like it might’ve been helpful as I was applying and trying to decide. So please AMA about the application, the interview...
  5. W

    Post Bac

    Posting this in case anyone is ever interested in applying to post bac programs or in the midst of the application process and has questions. Feel free to DM me even if it’s years after this is posted. Interviewed and got accepted at UVA, Bryn Mawr, and Goucher in the 2020-2021 admissions cycle...